concierge pricing 2025:
birth to one year: $6,000 per child per year (or $550 per month)
one to three years: $5,000 per child per year (or $450 per month)
four to twenty-one years: $4,000 per child per year (or $375 per month)
24/7 access to MD
same-day appointments in office
priority appointments in office
phone, text, video, and email communication with physician
personalized health plan including vaccine schedule, nutrition, sleep, and school counseling
advocate and coordination of care with specialists
after-hours appointments when available
home visits (a la cart):
level 1: $500 (newborn visits, weight checks, simple illness)
level 2: $850 (includes in-home medications and testing, simple procedures)
level 3: $1,200 (includes complex procedures such as laceration repair, burn care, inhalation treatments)
PLEASE NOTE: All in-office visits and services will be billed to your insurance. If you are out of network, you will be responsible for payment of the visit and our office can provide you with a superbill.